About us / Our partners
Since its foundation in 1945, the long term mission of CanCham BeLux (Chamber of Commerce Canada-Belgium-Luxembourg remains (1) the promotion and development of the economic relationship between Canada, Belgium and Luxembourg and (2) the development of a professional and relational network of various economic operators active on the Canadian, Belgian, Luxembourg and also international markets.
Since 2014, CanCham BeLux has been one of the accredited members of the BLCCA (Belgian-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce abroad) network. The accreditation is granted by the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg and the Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce.
CanCham BeLux_certificat of accreditation 2022_2024
Networking is the key goal of the events organized by CanCham BeLux through high-level professional meetings with the business community and the public sector.
In close cooperation with the Embassy of Canada, the General Delegation of Quebec in Brussels and its other partners, CanCham BeLux offers its members and other professionals interested in the countries covered useful contacts for legal, economic and investment information, research for grants or other public financial support and seminars on various interesting themes concerning the three countries the Chamber works for. It also helps its members to find interesting business partners in various fields.
By becoming a privileged member of the Chamber, you could take advantage of the existing network between the three countries, you could participate in our events with preferential member rates and you will contribute to the reinforcement of the economic relations between our countries.
CanCham BeLux can organise tailor made events for members (and their partners) upon request.
Through our network of MOU’s with similar organisations in Canada, we can offer a more comprehensive range of services to companies looking for new business opportunities in Canada :
– Our protector members –
– Our partners –
Avenue Louise 500
1050 Brussels